Landscape Architecture

Design + Planning + Implementation

The most exciting thing for our team is visiting a park or system we have worked with and seeing a space activated and enjoyed. We are able to see these successes by providing you landscape architectural services that are informed and forward thinking.

We do that through:
  • Design: We work with you to understand the character and place that makes your project unique, resilient, and activated
  • Planning: We approach your projects with a long-range vision that helps plan for the future
  • Implementation: We translate visioning to responsible design through the lens of resilience to bring exciting and responsible solutions that allow your projects to come to life
Hammocks Beach State Park. Sage Design: Creating sustainable landscapes across Southeastern North Carolina.
Hanover Pines Master Plan. SageDesign's innovative rain garden capturing and filtering stormwater
Mills River Master Plan. SageDesign's educational garden design for local schools promoting sustainability
Airlie. SageDesign team working on a sustainable streetscape project

Why Choose SageDesign:

  • Experience: With years of experience in the field, we have the expertise to handle projects of all sizes and complexities.
  • Creativity: Our experience allows us to creatively approach projects. Rather than seeing a space through the lens of opportunities and constraints, we highlight ways these perceived constraints become site opportunities.
  • Collaboration: Your success is our top priority. We listen closely and strive to bring a streamlined vision and voice throughout the planning and design process.